Cannabis recommendations from the comfort of your own home. Getting your medical marijuana recommendation has never been safer and quicker. Download the app, fill out our health questionnaire, then have a live video chat with a physician.
It's a risk free process. After your visit and if you are approved, you will be emailed a recommendation, and a hand-signed copy will be sent to the mailing address provided. Overnight delivery is also available.
We offer service daily from 8am to 10pm.
raccomandazioni Cannabis dalla comodità della propria casa. Ottenere il vostro raccomandazione marijuana medica non è mai stato più sicuro e più veloce. Scarica l'app, compilare il questionario di salute, poi hanno una chat video in diretta con un medico.
E 'un processo privo di rischi. Dopo la visita e, se vi sono approvati, vi verrà inviato via email una raccomandazione, e una copia firmata a mano verrà inviato all'indirizzo postale fornito. Durante la notte la consegna è inoltre disponibile.
Offriamo servizio giornaliero 08:00-22:00.
Cannabis recommendations from the comfort of your own home. Getting your medical marijuana recommendation has never been safer and quicker. Download the app, fill out our health questionnaire, then have a live video chat with a physician.
It's a risk free process. After your visit and if you are approved, you will be emailed a recommendation, and a hand-signed copy will be sent to the mailing address provided. Overnight delivery is also available.
We offer service daily from 8am to 10pm.